Tiago Morais Morgado (or Tiago Morgado, conceived 1988 in Braga, Portugal) is a Portuguese violist and electronic artist dynamic in free ad lib, contemporary music, electroacoustic music, and advanced media expressions. Tiago has played out his music in Portugal, Spain, UK, Netherlands, Serbia, Germany and USA. He is the guardian of the name Nachtstuck Records
[LFW UNPAID/PAID/CONTRACT/REVENUE SHARE] Tiago Morais Morgado - Technical Sound
Skillset(s):Technical Sound Designer
• 22 years in music industy.
Sound recoding, altering, blending, and dominating abilities Advanced Knowledge of Ableton, Puredata, Csound, MaxMSP, MaxForlive, Supercollider, Sonic PI, ACtoolbox, PWGL, and so forth
Fundamental Knowledge of C++ and GLSL, NodeJS, Python, and Bash and other programming dialects; essential information on standard game motors (Unity, Cryengine, Unreal Engine)
Fundamental Knowledge of Cinema 4d, After Effects, Blender, TouchDesigner, Processing, OpenFrameworks Can work with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Know about procedural and generative sound and can work with WWise and FMODÂÂÂÂ
email: selfdeterminedhermit [at] gmail [dot] com
telephone: +351934446355
on the off chance that this bundle makes more, 5k dollars of pay, we will give 20 up to 30 percent of the pay to Brittish Red Cross, and UNICEF UK. assuming I continue to make up remaining pay I will likely give its greater part
sound fx goliath pool with multi-reason sounds
Number of Audio Waves: ~120~
- five star sfx
- five star folley
- five star impacts
- five star invert sfx/impacts